早上接到一电话,问:会电脑吗?答:会。会开车吗?答:会。那你来一下,看发过来的地址路不远,就骑上单车出发了。车到十字路口,正好红灯,在等待红灯的几秒内,我陷入了短暂的沉思。仿佛看到了杨紫琼获奖时说的那个“abeacon of hope and possibilities”。
脑海里又浮现了关继威的那段话“My journey started on a boat,I spent a year in a refugee camp,and somehow,I ended up here, on Hollywood biggest stage.they say stories like this only happen in the movies.i cannot believe it’s happening to me. This,this is the American dream.thank you so much to the Academy for this honor of lifetime.thank you to my mom for the sacrifices she made to get me here,thank you to Kendall for all your support and everything you’ve done……….My wife Echo,who,who month after month,year after year,for 20years told me that one day,one day,my time will come…….Dreams are something you have to believe it…”想到此, 灯转绿了,继续前行,到了目的地,那小公司主管问了我几个问题,我对答如流,她听后说:你很不错,就是年龄偏大了~